A community healing and thriving together.

The Whole Life monthly membership answers this question:

what do I need to feel fulfilled, healthy, and alive each day?

Join a community of beautiful souls who are seeking these answers alongside you.

Anxiety, IBS, fatigue, headaches, lack of motivation, difficulty making decision, (and more) are your body’s way of speaking to you.

Do you need certain nutrients?

Are you avoiding certain emotions?

Is food affecting your mind?

Are you living out of alignment with what you truly desire?

Are past unprocessed emotions affecting you physically?

What plants can help you thrive?

Let’s find out.

Growth each month

Using a toolbox of nutrition, herbs, movement, creativity, energy medicine, and community, you’ll learn how to finally balance your anxiety, IBS, headaches, pain, fatigue, low energy or other symptoms to feel full of life each day.

Exclusive member content

We’ll do a deep dive into a monthly health-focused topic that is relevant and helpful to all of us. Through videos, workbook, and other resources you’ll understand the importance and how to add it to your life. (See the topics below.)

Meal Plan / Ideas

Receive a week meal plan to help you answer ‘what should I eat to feel better’. A full week’s plan can be spread out to be used all month as a guide or you can follow it exactly. You get the recipes, grocery list, and nutrition facts.

Energy Medicine

Everything begins at an energetic level, so we cannot fully heal a physical or emotional system without our energy changing. We’ll look at chakras, EFT, Qigong and other energy systems.


We are meant to create in the world. Our energy becomes stagnant or blocked if we spend too much time consuming and not creating in a fulfilling way. Experience the benefits of getting creative…no art skills necessary! Only pen and paper are needed to get started. You might be surprised about what you find!

Special Guests

Some months a special guest will join us for a unique perspective on the month’s topics. Expect to hear from a yoga therapist, rapid transformational therapist, energy medicine practitioners, artists, and others.

Group calls

The most impactful way to use all of this content is to do it as a group. We’ll meet via zoom to talk about the content, answer questions, and connect. Join the large group call or the smaller, more intimate group calls based on your preference (more below).


All members get:


  • discount off all supplements in the dispensary
  • discounts on my other workshops and services
  • contact with me (and each other) to ask questions in the forum
  • access to exclusive guest speakers
  • the option to personalize your growth and work with me or a guest speaker directly with a discount from a la carte!

Doors open mid-August 2024

Each monthly bundle includes…

  • 30-45 minute video discussing the focus of the month and actionable ways to apply it to your life
  • short workbook to help you apply the month’s topic to your own life; includes additional tips, ideas, and practices
  • meal plan for one week with balanced meals and snacks, plus recipes and grocery list, to keep you stress-free in the kitchen
  • energy medicine practice of the month and how it balances your energy
  • Live group call (1-3 depending on membership level)
  • group chat forum
  • accountability to your goals
  • support and inspiration from myself and the group

Doors open mid-August 2024

What would life be like if..

felt the flow of great health each day

embodied excitement and joy

knew what your body is telling you AND knew what to do to feel better

moved forward in a huge way towards what lights you up

Meet me:

I’m Amy Vespa, a Clinical and Integrative Nutritionist. I’m also an artist, future homesteader, and mom.

I work with clients to feel better from digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, emotional ups and downs, and more. I use a unique toolkit of nutrition, herbs, creativity, mindset, and energy practices to get to the root of your health issues to truly help you rebalance and enjoy life.

This membership is a way to delve into your life and health concerns using a multifaceted approach along with support from myself and a wonderful group. I hope you join us!

Join us

Annual price = 1 month free!

Doors open mid-August 2024

2024-2025 monthly themes

I’m so excited for each month’s content!


September: Strong lymph (the body’s river) + releasing the heat of summer
October: Remineralize your body + good sweets
November: A strong immune system using terrain theory
December: Strong digestive health during the cold months (affects immunity, mood, skin, brain, and more)


January: Don’t forget about your liver – detox, toxins, anger
February: Help for low mood + seasonal affective disorder
March: Strategies for stress + optimize your vagus nerve
April: Spring’s winter release (gentle detox, allergies, coming out of hibernation!)
May: Brain + cognition, brain fog, memory, forgetfulness
June: TBD
July: TBD
August: TBD

Doors open mid-August 2024

How will I get the content each month?

On the 1st of every month, the content will be available to view and download via the ‘Better’ app. ‘Better’ can be accessed online and via an app, so you can take the information with you wherever you go!

How will this benefit me?

If you are ready, you can fully transform your health and life in 2023. My guests and I have created a wealth of content and practices to help you strengthen your health, mind, and spirit. You won’t be alone because we’ll have a great group to connect with. And, I will be here if you want futher personalized support.

Do I have to join for a year?

No, however I recommend joining us for a year since each month focuses on topics that are relevant for everyone and will guide you through a full body and life transformation. AND, joining for a full year gives you 1 month free! 

Can I join for just one month?

Yes. However, the doors open only twice per year because I want to ensure a good group dynamic and growth. If you join and then pause, you will have to wait until June or November to join us again. 

Can I upgrade or downgrade my membership?

Yes! You can upgrade to ‘try out’ how a personalized approach works for you. You can also downgrade if you choose. Please let me know before the 1st of each month so I can change the subscription.

How long will I have access to the content?

For every month that you are a member, you will have access to the content forever for as long as Amy Vespa Nutrition is in business. You can also download the content to keep forever!

When are the calls? What if I can't make the time?

The calls will be at 7pm eastern time on the third Friday evening of each month. I hope that accomated many time zones! All call will be recorded and saved for future viewing if you can’t make it. I am willing to open a second call time if there is a need.

Can I get started now?!

YES! While the membership isn’t in full swing until January 2023, I host a free workshop every month to share information about staying healthy and feeling great where you can also ask any questions on your mind. I will also have ‘getting started’ info available in December 2022.

Deciding if this is right for you?

Schedule a call with me to ask any questions!


Each month I send out a great newsletter filled with relevant nutrition, food, herb tips and inspiration!

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