Best Diet for Anxiety and Depression

by | Jun 21, 2023 | anxiety or depression, stress

Is there such thing as a best diet for relieving depression and anxiety? Yes, there is – The Mediterranean Diet!

A wealth of research has shown that implementing this style of eating can have a huge impact on both depression and anxiety, as well as many other health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and more. The foundation of the Mediterranean Diet is whole foods: colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry, olive oil, and very little red meat and sweets. There is very little (if any) highly processed foods, artificial sugars, vegetable oils, and fried food. 

Eating a variety of mostly whole foods naturally supplies your body with the balance of nutrients it needs to function well. In particular, you get a range of important minerals necessary for mental health (such as zinc, copper, and B vitamins), and you also get an array of phytonutrients (such as anti-oxidants and polyphenols) that reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. 

The Mediterranean Diet is simple to follow because there is so much variety. There are no dogmatic restrictions, no extreme avoidance of “bad” foods, no difficulties eating out or while among other people. It is just simple foods that you can find in any grocery store or farmers’ market.

The video above goes into the detail about the Med Diet, what it includes, and how to get started.

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