How do you want to feel each day?

Do you believe you can feel it?

Let’s make it happen.

Welcome to the online home of Amy’s Health Studio. If you’re here you probably attended one of my workshops, saw me at a fair, read some of my writing…or the universe brought us together to make some great things happen.

Either way, I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s get started…

Nutrition Consultations

Group growth and support

Workshops and classes

My Specializations

Integrative Nutrition

What nutrients does your body need and where can we find them in foods? Using the principles of personalized nutrition, we’ll create balanced, nutrient-dense meals that will help you feel great.

Culinary Herbalism + Herbalism

Herbalism is using plants as medicine, and those same plants can be used as food on a daily basis for improving and maintaining health. I love sharing ways to use herbs as food to give your body a natural source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Energy Medicine

The energy that runs through and around your body determines your health. It is said that all health issues begin as energetic disruptions. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), meditation, qigong, mindset practices, Chakra balancing (and more), can help this energy flow smoothly to rebalance your body.


Preparing your own food is an important way to maintain your health. Are you comfortable in the kitchen and what to learn ways to increase nutrient-dense cooking? Or, are you looking to start with the basics? We can do it all!

Meal Planning

Health eating and cooking can seem intimidating – until you learn to plan! Learn meal planning skills and use my dynamic meal planner to find and plan recipes, get a grocery list, and reduce the stress of eating well.

Common health concerns I help with

Healthy aging
Disease prevention
Digestive issues – IBS, constipation, gas and bloating
Anxiety and mild depression
Fatigue and low energy
Weight concerns
Memory, forgetfulness, concentration
Healthy eating for yourself or your family
Learning to cook

       Meet Amy

I’m Amy, a Clinical and Integrative Nutritionist and herbalist, writer, traveler, plant lover (both growing and cooking them!), and mom.

I have always been drawn to plants – admiring their beauty; enjoying the diversity of style, taste and texture; understanding how to help them flourish; and learning how to use their nutrients and medicine to strengthen our body. I love sharing this knowledge with others!

Read more about me here.

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Join my newsletter and get 20% off all professional-grade supplements! Twice monthly I send out a short email including health tips, recipe ideas, discounts, and more.


Each month I send out a great newsletter filled with relevant nutrition, food, herb tips and inspiration!

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